It would seem the Vatican cannot resist hiding Sower’s Sevens in their documents.

What are Sower’s Sevens?
Sower’s Sevens are a biblical “70 x 7” factor hidden in a document.  With application of the Sower’s parables numbers (100-60-30 and 30-60-100) to a number set in the document, using simple arithmetic, the embedded sevens emerge.

What are the odds?
On this blog, I now have 40 examples of Sower’s Sevens in various texts.  What are the odds of getting a “70 x 7” as a factor?  The odds are 1 in 490, but since I add a factor of 10 in the process of doing the arithmetic, the odds are 1 in 49.  What are the odds of getting a “70 x 7” in 40 examples?  The odds are 1 in 7^40 (one in seven to the 40th power) – astronomical.

Where to find 70 x 7 and 30-60-100 in the Bible:
Seven is a favored number in the Bible. The biblical “70 x 7” is found printed (not hidden) in Matthew 18:22 (footnote NRSV) and also in Genesis 4:24.  By the way, I believe that means seventy times sevenfold (DRA), not 77 times.
The Sower’s Parables numbers can be found at: (1) Matthew 13:8 (100, 60, 30); (2) Matthew 13:23 (100, 60, 30); (3) Mark 4:8 (30, 60, 100); (4) Mark 4:20 (30, 60, 100); and (5) Luke 8:8 (100).

Seven solutions:
Here are solutions that show you how to find the Sower’s Sevens in the three infamous Vatican documents that prohibit womenpriests.  I also add a document from Vatican II that is less than friendly to women.

Solution 1:  Inter Insigniores
Step by step
The set of numbers in the solution is the number heading of each section followed by the number of paragraphs in that section, as follows:
Section 1 – 4 paragraphs;
2 – 4;
3 – 4;
4 – 7;
5 – 9;
6 – 7
Thus, the finished number set of 12 values is:
1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 4, 7, 5, 9, 6, 7
The trick is to not count the last two paragraphs in section 6 which are part of the signature.
Taking the first even value, followed by the first odd value, etc.
4, 3, 4, 7, 6, 7
Arranging in three subsets in the order produced and summing
4, 3 = 7
4, 7 = 11
6, 7 = 13
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 100, 60, 30
100 x 7 = 700
60 x 11 = 660
30 x 13 = 390
Sum of products = 1,750, factor of 70
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 7 = 210
60 x 11 = 660
100 x 13 = 1,300
Sum of products = 2,170, factor of 70
Sum of sums of products = 2,170 + 1,750 = 3,920 = 70 x 7 x 8

Solution 2:  Inter Insigniores
Same number set as above which is
Taking the first even value, followed by the first odd value, etc.
4, 3, 4, 7, 6, 7
Arranging in ascending order
3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7
Placing in subsets
3, 4, 4
6, 7, 7
Adding vertically
9, 11, 11
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 100, 60, 30
100 x 9 = 900
60 x 11 = 660
30 x 11 = 330
Sum of products = 1,890, factor of 70
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 9 = 270
60 x 11 = 660
100 x 11 = 1,100
Sum of products = 2,030, factor of 70
Sum of sums of products = 2,030 + 1,890 = 3,920, factor of 70 x 7 x 8
Same result as in solution 1 above

Solution 3: Mulieris Dignitatem
Step by step
The universe of values is the number of items per Roman numeral heading, as follows:
I – 2
II – 3
III – 3
IV – 3
V – 5
VI – 6
VII – 5
VIII – 3
IX – 1
Arranging in three sets in the order produced
2, 3, 3
3, 5, 6
5, 3, 1
Summing vertically
10, 11, 10
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 100, 60, 30
100 x 10 = 1,000
60 x 11 = 660
30 x 10 = 300
Sum of products = 1,960, factor 70 x 7 x 4
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 10 = 300
60 x 11 = 660
100 x 10 = 1,000
Sum of products = 1,960, factor 70 x 7 x 4
Sum of sum of products = 1,960 + 1,960 = 3,920, factor of 70 x 7 x 8
Same result as solutions 1 and 2 above

Solution 4: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
I was not able to find a Sower’s Sevens solution in the text which has 12 paragraphs (not counting the closing paragraphs) and 12 footnotes, twelve being a special number in the Bible.
However, there may be a Sower’s Sevens solution in the signature line, “From the Vatican, on May 22, the Solemnity of Pentecost, in the year 1994, the sixteenth of my Pontificate.
May = 5th month = 5
Pentecost = 50 or 5 [chose 5 here and 50 in the next solution]
19 [break the year apart as in the Kensington Rune stone solution]
16th = 16
So a set of 6 values, arranged in the order produced
5, 22, 5, 19, 94, 16
Arranged in ascending order, placed in three subsets in order produced, and summed
5, 5 = 10
16, 19 = 35
22, 94 = 116
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 100, 60, 30
100 x 10 = 1,000
60 x 35 = 2,100
30 x 116 = 3,480
Sum of products = 6,580, factor 70
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 10 = 300
60 x 35 = 2,100
100 x 116 = 11,600
Sum of products = 14,000, factor of 7,000
Sum of sums of products = 20,580 = 70 x 7 x 7 x 6
A biblical 70 x 7 and a seven-cubed !!!

Solution 5: Ordinatio Sacerdotalis
Another solution for the signature line, this time substituting 50 for 5 in “Pentecost.”
A set of 6 values, arranged in the order produced
5, 22, 50
19, 94, 16
Summed vertically to yield three subsets
24, 116, 66
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 100, 60, 30
100 x 24 = 2,400
60 x 116 = 6,960
30 x 66 = 1,980
Sum of products = 11,340, factor of 70
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 24 = 720
60 x 116 = 6,960
100 x 66 = 6,600
Sum of products = 14,280, factor of 70
Difference of sums of products = 14,280 minus 11,340 = 2,940, factor 70 x 7 x 6
Taking a difference has worked with other Papal documents

Solution 6: Gaudium Et Spes
Step by step
There are 12 headings in the document.  Solve using the number of items per heading.
Preface, 1 – 10, 10 items
Part I, 11, 1 item
Ch 1, 12 – 22, 11 items
Ch 2, 23 – 32, 10 items
Ch 3, 33 – 39, 7 items
Ch 4, 40 – 45, 6 items
Part II, 46, 1 item
Ch 1, 47 – 52, 6 items
Ch 2, 53 – 62, 10 items
Ch 3, 63 – 72, 10 items
Ch 4, 73 – 76, 4 items
Ch 5, 77 – 93, 17 items
Values in order produced are
10, 1, 11, 10, 7, 6, 1, 6, 10, 10, 4, 17
Arrange in ascending order, in three subsets, sum
1, 1, 4, 6 = 12
6, 7, 10, 10 = 33
10, 10, 11, 17 = 48
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 100, 60, 30
100 x 12 = 1,200
60 x 33 = 1,980
30 x 48 = 1,440
Sum of products = 4,620, factor 70
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 12 = 360
60 x 33 = 1,980
100 x 48 = 4,800
Sum of products = 7,140, factor 70
Sum of sums of products = 7,140 + 4,620 = 11,760, factor of 70 x 7 x 24
This is the same as 3,920 x 3 or 1,960 x 6, which are 7-factors found in other documents.

Solution 7: Gaudium Et Spes
Same values as in solution 6, which are
10, 1, 11, 10, 7, 6, 1, 6, 10, 10, 4, 17
Arrange in ascending order, as if preparing to sum vertically into three subsets
1, 1, 4
6, 6, 7
10, 10, 10
10, 11, 17
Instead take the first odd value, then the first even value, etc. going down columns, arrange in three subsets and sum
1, 6, 1 = 8
6, 11, 4 = 21
7, 10, 17 = 34
Multiplying with Sower’s parables numbers 30, 60, 100
30 x 8 = 240
60 x 21 = 1,260
100 x 34 = 3,400
Sum of products = 4,900, factor of 70 x 7 x 10
Also it factors into 70 x 70 likely even more special

Here are the links for the anti-women documents I analyze for Sower’s Sevens in this post:
Inter Insigniores (Paul VI)
Mulieris Dignitatem (John Paul II)
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (John Paul II)
I also analyze Gaudium Et Spes, while not specifically an anti-women document, still hardly enlightened on the subject of women.
See sidebar for more posts on Sower’s Sevens and Vatican – “by the Popes,” “Hidden Papal Sevens.”  So far at least four Popes have hidden sevens.

Posted on September 11, 2016

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