I call the hidden sevens “Sower’s Sevens” because it is the Sower’s parables numbers (100-60-30 and 30-60-100) that act like a key to release the embedded sevens.  With application of the Sower’s parables numbers to a number set, using simple arithmetic, a biblical 70 x 7 factor emerges.
This post is a continuation of my Sower’s Sevens by the Popes (side-bar), where I give solutions for hidden sevens I found in two of Pope Francis’ documents, Amoris Laetitia (Family) and Laudato Si (Environment), and in one of Pope Benedict XVI’s documents, the Catechism Compendium. 
Now I have discovered a stunning puzzle in Benedict’s Catechism Compendium, far more complicated than the previous puzzle of his I found in Appendix B of that Compendium.  In this next puzzle, the algorithm is very similar to that used by Pope Francis (Solution 6 in by the Popes), so similar I can just paste the instructions for that puzzle here with few changes.  Also similar to 2Chronicles (Temple of Solomon in side-bar); therefore, it is true to the biblical heritage of the popes.
That there are cook book similarities does tend to argue for a special Vatican department for editing popes’ documents prior to publication to embed hidden sevens; unless both Francis and Benedict learned from the same teacher.

Solution 8:  Pope Benedict’s Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, June 28, 2005.
Benedict’s puzzle not only yields a 70 x 7, but a whopping 70 x 7 x 7.  A seven-cubed !!!
The number set of 27 values is derived from the numbering of the items within sections/headings and introduction.  To produce values take the difference between the item number for the last item and the first in that section.  Then from that, create a string of 27 values by first taking an even, then an odd number.  Then put the 27 values in ascending order of 3 subsets of 9 values each.
Just as in Laudato Si (Solution 6), the trick is to count the zero differences as next even numbers (if applicable) but not add them into a subset as they have no value.  The first even value is the first zero in Part I, but it is not included in the 27.
Step by step:
Here are the item differences with the 27 resultant even and odd numbers, bolded and underlined:
PART I [start over with numbering]
1=0 [first even but no value]  5-2=3  10-6=4  17-11=6  24-18=6  29-25=4  32-30=2  35-33=2  58-36=22  65-59=6  72-66=6  78-73=5  80-79=1  84-81=3  111-85=26  124-112=12  131-125=6  132=0  135-133=2  146-136=10  152-147=5  160-153=7  176-161=15  193-177=16  195-194=1  199-196=3  201-200=1  206-202=4  216-207=9  217=0 [even but no value] 
220-218=2  223-221=2  232-224=8  235-233=2  240-236=4  243-241=2  246-244=2  249-247=2  250=0  251=0  264-252=12  270-265=5  294-271=23  295=0 [even but no value]  312-296=16  320-313=7  321=0 [even but no value]  336-322=14  350-337=13  353-351=2  356-354=2 
357=0  358=0  362-359=3  369-363=6  371-370=1  376-372=4  390-377=13  400-391=9  404-401=3  410-405=5  414-411=3  421-415=6  428-422=6  433-429=4  441-434=7  446-442=4  449-447=2  454-450=4  465-455=10  486-466=20  502-487=15  520-503=17  526-521=5  530-527=3  533-531=2 
534=0  535=0  540-536=4  547-541=6  556-548=8  557=0  558=0  563-559=4  566-564=2  568-567=1  571-569=2  577-572=5  578=0 [even but no value]  581-579=2  586-582=4  598-587=11
Put into ascending order and into 3 subsets of 9 values each and sum:
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 = 19
4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 = 44
7, 7, 9, 11, 13, 13, 15, 16, 26 = 117
Next multiply by Sower’s parables numbers 100-60-30:
100 x 19 = 1,900
60 x 44 = 2,640
30 x 117 = 3,510
Sum of products = 8,050, factor of 70
Next multiply by Sower’s parables numbers 30-60-100
30 x 19 = 570
60 x 44 = 2,640
100 x 117 = 11,700
Sum of products = 14,910, factor of 70
At this point I usually sum the sums of products.  Since that didn’t work I took the difference, in keeping with what seemed to be a theme of subtracting.  This is what worked also in Solution 1 for Amoris Laetitia (side-bar “by Popes”).
Subtracting 14,910 minus 8,050 = 6,860, factors of 70 x 7 x 7 x 2
Thus a biblical 70 x 7 is achieved along with a factor of 7-cubed, seven being a special number in the Bible.

Why secret Sower’s Sevens?
Where do the Sower’s Sevens come from?  Do they represent some mathematical mystery (see my Pascal’s post in side-bar).  Did the ancient Yahwists invent them to impress the tribesmen they dominated?  Or do they come from some group even earlier?  Maybe the people of the time of Atlantis invented them.
Were the inventors trying to elicit factors of 70 x 7?  I don’t know.  Perhaps not.  Perhaps all I can do is detect certain number patterns, patterns that repeat and repeat.  I do not know the mathematical goal of those who constructed the numbers.  But the number patterns can tell me something about history; for example, that the four books of the Gospel were written or edited by a single party early on, as there are cross-book Sower’s Sevens number sets (new discovery in side-bar).
Who is the audience for the hidden Papal sevens?  Just some other seven-lovers at the Vatican?  Or should I suppose a conspiracy of seven-signalers, lurking behind the curtain of history, signaling to each other and pulling the strings to bring forth Judaism, Christianity, Ιslam, and the Templars.  I rather doubt there is such a conspiracy as it would have to have been a total organizational failure, not having effectively addressed the problems of war, hunger, population, climate, disease, etc.
So the hidden Papal sevens are there just to honor the Vatican’s biblical heritage, the Bible being full of hidden sevens.
One thing we can say about the Sower’s Sevens is that they appear to be the property of males only.  While there may have been women involved in writing scripture, surely they are not given credit for doing it.  Nor have women been allowed to preach the scriptures until recently.  It would have to be males who own the sevens. 
Secrets in a group bring group cohesiveness, but our group must be all those on the entire Planet, not just those in a tiny clique.  Sevens should be shared.  Let’s strive for true unity.  Let everyone know whatever there is to know about sevens, mathematically and historically.  Let all the women know, too.
Maybe after so many centuries, the elite of the secret-holders no longer remembers what it was all about.  All they can do is insert a few rusty, musty number strings.  Still beautiful though.

What are the odds?
On this blog, I now have 30 examples of Sower’s Sevens in various religious texts.  What are the odds of getting a “70 x 7” as a factor?  The odds are 1 in 490, but since I add a factor of 10 in the process of doing the arithmetic, the odds are 1 in 49.  What are the odds of getting a “70 x 7” in 30 examples?  The odds are 1 in 7^30 (one in seven to the 30th power) – astronomical.

Where to find 70 x 7 and 30-60-100 in the Bible:
Seven is a favored number in the Bible. The biblical “70 x 7” is found printed (not hidden) in Matthew 18:22 (footnote NRSV) and also in Genesis 4:24.  By the way, I believe that means seventy times sevenfold (DRA), not 77 times.
The Sower’s Parables numbers can be found at: (1) Matthew 13:8 (100, 60, 30); (2) Matthew 13:23 (100, 60, 30); (3) Mark 4:8 (30, 60, 100); (4) Mark 4:20 (30, 60, 100); and (5) Luke 8:8 (100).

link to Pope Benedict’s Vatican Catechism Compendium in English

Posted:  June 25, 2016

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