Sower’s sevens revealed among the loaves and fishes stories show that there was one single author or editor for all four books of the Gospel !!!
I had already concluded that at some point in its development, all four books of the Gospel were under the control of one party, either an author or an editor or both.  That is because there are number sets that span more than one book and yet yield the Sower’s sevens, a biblical factor of 70 x 7, with application of the Sower’s Parables numbers (30, 60, 100 and 100, 60, 30). 
These cross-book number sets are in the Loaves and Fishes and in the Apostle Names and Appellations.  There is another cross-book number set in the Jesus Genealogies that yields a 7-cubed.
I went looking for another number puzzle within the puzzle I had already discovered for Loaves and Fishes, because I have now learned from experience that the ancients hide puzzles within puzzles.
So I have now discovered another puzzle within the six Loaves and Fishes stories, a puzzle with a number set spanning all four Gospels, that yields a 70 x 7 factor with application of Sower’s Parables numbers.  Because the puzzle spans all four Gospels, there is no way that four men acting independently, adding numbers independently, could account for an intact puzzle that yields a factor also hidden in thirteen other scripture passages, at least the odds against it make it extremely unlikely.
Most remarkable, and this is what makes me believe beyond a reasonable doubt that there is only one author/editor, is the fact that within this puzzle is a factor of “3,920,” the exact same factor that is in the Ezekiel Temple measurements and also, in the Apostles Names and Appellations (link below).  The 3,920 breaks down into 24 x 5 x 72.  For those who cannot view exponentials, that is 2^4 x 5 x 7^2.
The Loaves and Fishes stories are in four books of the Gospel.  Instead of taking all the numbers in the stories, I take only three numbers from each story:  the number of loaves, the number of people present, and the number of baskets filled with leftover bread.  I skip the two summaries of feedings (in Matthew 16 and Mark 8).  Here are the verse citations and values:
Matthew 14:  5, 12, 5000,
Matthew 15:  7, 7, 4000,
Mark 6:  5, 12, 5000,
Mark 8:  7, 7, 4000,
Luke 9:  5000, 5, 12,
John 6:  5, 5000, 12,
There are 18 values and next I put these values into ascending order in three rows:
4              4              5              5              5              5
5              5              5              5              7              7
7              7              12           12           12           12
You might think the solution is to add across, but no, the solution is to first sum the first two columns, then the next two columns, then the last two columns, as follows:
Sum 1 (first two columns) = 32
Sum 2 (next two columns) = 44
Sum 3 (last two columns) = 48
Next multiply with Sower’s numbers, 30-60-100, and then the reverse, multiply with Sower’s numbers, 100-60-30:
30 x 32 = 960
60 x 44 = 2,640
100 x 48 = 4,800
Sum of products = 8,400, factors 700 and 12
Next the reverse:
100 x 32 = 3,200
60 x 44 = 2,640
30 x 48 = 1,440
Sum of products = 7,280, factors 70, 13, and 8
Sum of sum of products = 8,400 + 7,280 = 15,680 = factor of 70 x 7 x 2^5
Or factor 3,920 (24 x 5 x 72) or (2^4 x 5 x 7^2).
Finding these rare factors lets me know that the number set could hardly be just an ordinary compilation of numbers.  Rather the single author or editor who constructed the number set was very careful in his/her selection of numbers.  
Now with this 14th instance of my discovering a “seventy times seven” with Sower’s Parables numbers (see links below for other examples), I have to ask, what are the odds against gaining fourteen instances of “seventy times seven”? We can readily see that the odds of a factor of 7 x 7 are 1 in 49. The probability against fourteen instances of 49 is 1 in 49 to the 14th power, or 1 in 459,986,536,544,739,960,976,801.
The odds against a 14th instance of 490 are 1 in 490 to the 14th power, beyond the capabilities of my calculator to deal with except in math-speak (4.59986536544739960976801e+37). Astronomical!!!
Given those astronomical odds, it seems pretty obvious to me that Sower’s sevens were being embedded intentionally by the ancient writers.  Probably because such sacred math meant something important to them and their readers. 
How rare is the factor “3,920”?  It occurs once every 3,920 integers.  What are the odds of gaining three instances of 3,920?  The probability against gaining three instances of 3,920 is 1 in 3,920-cubed or 1 in 60,236,288,000.  Approximately, one chance in 60 billion!
Now that I have found 14 examples of 70 x 7, I have to say that having had all this experience with the number sets gives me a feel for it, and I think I know better than I can explain to you, that this proves beyond a reasonable doubt that all four books of the Gospel were under the control of one author or editor at some point in its development.
Seven is a favored number in the Bible.  The biblical “70 x 7” is found (printed, not hidden) in Matthew 18:22 (footnote NRSV) and also in Genesis 4:24.  By the way, I believe that means seventy times sevenfold (DRA), not 77 times.
The Sower’s Parables numbers can be found at: (1)  Matthew 13:8 (100, 60, 30); (2)  Matthew 13:23 (100, 60, 30); (3)  Mark 4:8 (30, 60, 100); (4)  Mark 4:20 (30, 60, 100); and (5)  Luke 8:8 (100).
Links to some previous examples:

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